Saturday, February 20, 2010

Notre Dame Wrestling Singlets What Is The Exact Color Of The Gold On Notre Dame's Football Helmet?

What is the exact color of the gold on Notre Dame's football helmet? - notre dame wrestling singlets

I would Bespoke good fighter, and I look good with difficulties in finding a golden color on a t-shirt. The T-shirts are a form of camouflage. The T-shirts are printed by dye sublimation, and if someone is dye sublimated colors also delivered electronically. They sent me the proofs shirts through my email and I am very happy with the colors that are offered. I went to the ND vs UM game this weekend and I noticed the gold they use is exactly what I want. It has a metallic look. Has anyone gone through this process before? and if so, there is a golden color, which is recommended? Moreover, in the colors coincide blue, gold, white and camouflage the environment? Thank you for yourTime!


I Give Into Peer Pressure said...

In fact, it is called Notre Dame de Oro

Justin{Serj Tankian Edition} said...

Black can be very good with almost anything.

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