Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cigar Aficionado Rapidshare Other Than Origin, Is There Really A Huge Difference Between Cigars From Cuba And The Dominican Republic?

Other than origin, is there really a huge difference between cigars from Cuba and the Dominican Republic? - cigar aficionado rapidshare

I am a lover of cigars and can not see the difference.


IMNSHO said...

If you are the newspaper advertisements of cigars, which is among the Top Ten read-Cubans and Dominicans, and perhaps one or two from Honduras. The difference is slight. But because of the embargo against Cuba to cover the deficit in the context there is a higher value. To do even in these backgrounds, most have the same with the production methods of the same origin.

William H said...

I am very amused, and I think that in the high-end cigars really make much difference. Some people may not agree, but much more can the aura surrounding the Cubans. They are here illegally to stay, too hard, unless you or know someone who is willing to slip a little, not to mention expensive to come when it really worth it. It's the same with the rare, expensive wines. Are they better? Probably not.

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