Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tell Between Fat And Bloated Can Someone Explain How To Tell The Difference Between Pregnancy And PMS Symptoms?

Can someone explain how to tell the difference between pregnancy and PMS symptoms? - tell between fat and bloated

Sorry, me again:) I've never paid much attention to my first symptoms of PMS, so do not know if I am in my time on the road, or pregnancy. I'm 24 and this was our first month without notice. I had the pain of heartburn and the soft light of the last 3 days or less. I was very tired that ovulation, my big breasts, and the nature and the feeling heavy and I am very swollen. I mean, I'm usually very thin, but if I relax my stomach now, I feel as if I had a beer belly hug or something! I feel great!

My time is from Monday to Tuesday. For those who have been Prego, what your first signs of pregnancy were different signs of PMS? And 7 days before my time there was a time when PMS symptoms (heartburn, fever, diarrhea, etc.)? Thank you!


Baby #2 on the way said...

I a. .. a pregnancy test! LOL ...

Just kidding.

Every woman is different, some do not know that they are pregnant until you lose your time other good shape.

My pregnancy symptoms started a few days ago I lost my time knew it different because my breasts were not the greatest pain is that my nipples were super sensitive.

I would wait until the probationary period.
I wish all the best!

LGM said...

Frankly, I tend to play almost every month, I'm pregnant, because I am in almost the same symptoms each month in the second half of my cycle. The only difference is the weather really was pregnant, it was a bit more cheerful, while I usually get a little humor to PMS.
- So basically do not pay much attention to early symptoms, which can be misleading.

Naked Snatch ~MG~ said...

My symptoms are so similar, that was not funny. My symptoms of early pregnancy are only exaggerated. As the pregnancy progresses ... Then I felt like I was pregnant. The best way to really know your nipples. Often in early pregnancy nipple begins to darken. Although not infallible. Good luck!

Lisa said...

The symptoms of PMS and pregnancy symptoms are almost the same at this point. You have to wait and see if it displays the time and testing.

Mrs. Fox. said...

the difference is a positive pregnancy test.

mommie2 said...

It feels nausues sensitive to smells, and pains in the chest, and have called thinkgs you.

Juliana said...

PMS is if you come a very bad mood, is a pregnancy if you do not despair!

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