Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Smtp;554 Sorry, Message Looks Like Spam Or Phish To Me Error Sending Mail From Outlook Express?

Error sending mail from outlook express? - smtp;554 sorry, message looks like spam or phish to me

I tried to send mail via Outlook Express.

When I send the message, I get the following error message:
An unknown error has occurred. Xxxx Fwd Case ': Marian mum xxxx', Account:'', Server:'', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 Sorry, what does this message (# 5.6.0) "spam, Port: 25, Secure (SSL ): No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC6F

Before it worked, but fell last week. Do not change any settings in oultlook.
How do I solve this problem?

1 comment:

Tony said...

Hello, Vimal Raj

There are 3 steps to repair Outlook Express error

If you have a bug in Outlook Express there is a 94% chance that your computer registry problems. Outlook Express should fix bugs take the following actions:

* Step 1 - Download a version of Perfect Optimizer you install this tool to repair the errors.
* Step 2 - Click the Button.It, the legal process from any PC for free.
Step 3 - Then click the button again and it repaired all away! It is very easy to repair Outlook Express errors.

Here are the URLs of Perfect Optimizer: http://www.fixerrorinstantly.com/tidpp-o ...

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