Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cat Hammock How Can You Treat A Kitten And Dog Equal? And How Can Someone Critize You When They Treat Their Cat Worse?

How can you treat a kitten and dog equal? and how can someone critize you when they treat their cat worse? - cat hammock

So I have a 1 1 / 2 years, dog and cat is almost 10 weeks old. My dog with tons of toys, spoiled meat, and comes in travel travel with me. The cat has some toys (8 balls and a set of source) and a cat tree (a large platform, a hammock, some stick give a hang hole), eating cat food, she plays with what she sees as most about toy dogs and a cat she is. I do not want, or stay with me.

My roommate said that the kitten be unhappy if they are treated exactly the same. However, they did not allow a cat and cat toys and the cat for a week. My chat with my brother to join him. She expects me to treat my cat, my dog than seems reasonable. I, too, expect to treat me better cat form, it treats its own cat. So, logically, if my cat is unhappy to be better than your cat treats, but unless the dog, your cat is incredibly miserble. Right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My kitten ...

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