Saturday, January 9, 2010

Frigidaire Compact Refrigerator How Do I Disable Freezer In Frigidaire Model FRC03L2DW0 Compact Refrigerator?

How do I disable freezer in Frigidaire Model FRC03L2DW0 compact refrigerator? - frigidaire compact refrigerator

My fridge is near freezing point at all, even in the freezer lowest value. I turn the freezer and remove it. Is this possible?

1 comment:

Irv S said...

No, the exterior of the forum is the only
Cooling for the rest of the refrigerator.
In a compact refrigerator, freezer refrigerator temperature
the difference is an issue of ventilation.
Small refrigerators are often "filled" so that this kind of problem.
Check the airflow obstruction to the freezer.
If not, you may need a new thermostat.

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