Monday, January 25, 2010

Www.deck Of Cards Birthday Cake What Image Or Pattern Would Best Match These Headphones?

What image or pattern would best match these headphones? - www.deck of cards birthday cake
I found this site where you any image or color can not put on an iPod know what I put on the skin that respond to these new headsets Reception


StajahRee [metal out my mouth] said... ... ... ...

Or one of their favorite icons (like a peace sign or a smiley), animals, bands, err brands, design, graphic design, name, whatever. I could do something to the best that I can match Google. Sorry.

opheliag... said...

Something else that is black and orange, with thick lines. I think the thick lines on the image of your face, so that it compliments the headphones. Perhaps a kitschy tiger or a young girl smiling animated orange. Hip or something industry.

GreasyCo... said...

It seems Tiger Stripe. ...

signo said...

had a solid orange or black, or it could get to

xXIntoxi... said...

o_o headphones are ugly ... Why ?.... On second thought ... come in green?

Pantsfor... said...

You can try the model in the painting or drawing, and made only to create the new.

You said...

Put an iPod. They are boring and outdated. The Walkmen are much cooler.

Smile:) said...

What color is your iPod?

I want to find who has an orange-black and white in his creation.

Bebe said...


маяіlоз said...

Tribal Try something perhaps? And I would say stick with orange.

Sammie said...

I think all the cool R, I guess.

tae tae said...

orange or gray

Awww said...


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